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A Kinder Craze Birthday: Celebrating 3 Wonderful Years


Today is a day to reflect and celebrate. Three years ago, I hit “publish” on my very first blog post and in that instant, Kinder Craze was born and my life would forever change its course. Back then, Kinder Craze was just a little bitty baby blog and I was happy if 12 people stopped by visit in the course of a week. The blog design itself was created by me and I learned so much about blogging each day, there were times I thought my head would burst. At the time, I had a dream of sharing something wonderful with my readers, but I had absolutely no idea how big Kinder Craze would become or how much it would change my life. My vision was in its early infancy and I loved every moment spent working on the blog.

Maria Manore, celebrating the 3rd birthday of Kinder Craze

As I stand here today and look back upon the past three years, my heart just swells with pride. Kinder Craze has become a favorite blog among kindergarten teachers across the US and around the globe. The little shop that I opened on Teachers Pay Teachers a few years prior to the launch of Kinder Craze is now one of the top 100 grossing on the site; the blog itself has moved to an entirely different platform, complete with its own domain and a stunning professional design; and I now own the trademark to Kinder Craze.

As if that were not enough, this blog has helped me to discover a passion and a talent for photography within myself that I never knew existed.

Things have changed so much both on the blog and behind-the-scenes as life continues reveal new surprises for me each day. Despite all of the changes, some things will always remain the same. As I picked up a beautiful birthday cake and stood in front of the camera to snap a photo earlier today, I was struck by how fitting the moment was.

It was simply me and my camera, taking a photo to share with you.

And you, dear readers, have been along for the ride every step of the way. For that I am eternally grateful and I wish I could give each and every one of you a slice of my birthday cake. This day belongs to you every bit as much as it belongs to me.

I keep you in mind each time I make even the smallest decision for the blog. Whether I am selecting a new blog topic, wondering when to post new content or searching for the perfect treasure to give away; I always carefully consider my options and select the path that I believe will be the best fit for you.

Excitement is underway here at Kinder Craze. I will be married in three short months and living in a new home, which will include space for my first-ever home office. Each night I dream of the next step for Kinder Craze and I would love to hear your thoughts about the blog and the path it has taken over the past three years. What would you love to see more of? What could you do without? Is there anything currently missing from the blog that you WISH I could add? 

Thank you so much for your time and dedicated following. I can’t wait to see what the next year has in store for us.

Happy Birthday, Kinder Craze!

The post A Kinder Craze Birthday: Celebrating 3 Wonderful Years appeared first on Kinder Craze.

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