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15 Must-Follow Teacher Instagram Accounts


Instagram is my absolute favorite social media platform. Nothing gives me more pleasure than scrolling through my IG feed and seeing photos of my friends and family members. Instagram also happens to be my favorite source of classroom inspiration. I can’t begin to count how many wonderful ideas I put to use with my students because of something I saw on Insta. Each day, thousands of teachers share their work on the popular social platform. I rounded up 15 of my favorite teacher Instagram accounts.

How many of these amazing accounts are you following?


1. Teachers Pay Teachers

We all love shopping on TpT, but have you checked out their Instagram account? Teachers Pay Teachers is one of my favorite Instagram accounts because they always regram the best educational images from across the platform and they often have teacher-sellers to take over their IG for the day. I get so many great ideas from the TpT Instagram feed, which helps me to find amazing new teachers to follow. And I can’t count the number of times I have discovered a must-have resource for my classroom thanks to TpT. Follow @teacherspayteachers on Instagram.

Teachers Pay Teachers - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

2. Target Teachers

Raise your hand if you’re a teacher who loves to shop at Target! If your hand is up, you have got to check out Target Teachers on Instagram. Target teachers is a joint account run by Michelle Griffo from @applesandabcs and Hadar Hartstein from @misskindergarten. Together, they share the most creative classroom resources that can be found in the aisles of your local Target store. This wildly popular Instagram account already has 100k followers. If you’re not already one of them, click here to follow @targetteachers on Instagram.

Target Teachers - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

3. Blair Turner – One Lesson At a Time

Let’s face it. We’re not all on our A-game 100% of the time. And if you’re ever feeling a little less-than adequate in the organization department, Blair Turner from One Lesson at a Time is just the woman to perk you back up and provide reassurance that you are not alone. She prides herself on being a type-B teacher and she does not apologize for it. Blair also has exquisite taste and it’s always fun when she shares an occasional peek at her home decor. Plus it’s nice to know that the teachers we love also spend some time outside of the classroom. Follow @onelessonatatime on Instagram.

Blair Turner One Lesson at a Time - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

4. Fun In First

I love, love LOVE following Fun in First on Instagram. Not only does Jodi Southard give you a glimpse into the resources she uses in her own first grade classroom, but she also shares teaching tips throughout the week. Personally, I’m not much of an inspirational quote kind of a gal, but Jodi’s tips are solid gold. They’re to the point and cut right to the heart of the work teachers do in their classroom each day. Her tips always nudge me toward being a better teacher, even if it’s simply a reminder of something I already know. Follow @funinfirstblog on Instagram.

Fun in First - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

5. The Amy Groesbeck

If you ever find yourself in need of a lighthearted view of the teaching profession, you have got to follow Amy Groesbeck on Instagram. Her #180daysinthelifeofateacher provides a fun peek into the secret life of teachers, with a little exaggeration for a dramatic effect. Follow @theamygroesbeck on Instagram.

Amy Groesbeck - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

6. Brown Bag Teacher

Need a little coaching in highly-motivating best practices? You have to follow Catherine Reed from Brown Bag Teacher. Her Instagram photos always show a unique perspective of her first grade and kindergarten classroom. There is so much good content in every one of Catherine’s posts, it’s obvious that education is her passion. Follow @brownbagteacher on Instagram.

Brown Bag Teacher - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

7. A Day in First Grade

Don’t be misled by the name – Kristen Smith from A Day in First Grade is teaching kindergarten these days and her Instagram feed is filled with Montessori and Reggio inspired activities. Kristen teaches a child-centered classroom with many exploration opportunities for her young learners. She is particularly passionate about integrating STEM into her classroom activities, and you have to see some of the completely unique classroom experiences she creates for her students. Follow @adayinfirstgrade on Instagram.

A Day in First Grade - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

8. First Grade Made

A little classroom decor, a little inspiration, a little teacher fashion and a whole lotta fun. That’s what Miss Vaz from First Grade Made sprinkles into her Instagram account. She and I are cut from the same cloth. If you enjoy the content I share, you will LOVE her feed. Follow @firstgrade_made on Instagram.

First Grade Made - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

9. Lessons with Laughter

I may teach kindergarten, but I greatly admire any educator who excels and their craft, no matter what grade they teach. Molly Maloy teaches fifth grade and is the woman behind Lessons with Laughter. I adore everything she posts, but the images of her classroom library always take my breath away! Follow @lessonswithlaughter on Instagram.

Lessons with Laughter - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

10. Apples and ABCs

Whether you teach fifth grade or kindergarten (or anything in between), there’s a little something for everyone over at Apples and ABCs on Instagram. Michelle Griffo is a former kindergarten teacher currently working in a fifth grade classroom. She also has a killer sense of style, a boatload of creativity, and the cutest little boy you ever did see. Michelle sprinkles of all those things in her Instagram account. Her feed always feels fresh, interesting, and like you’re catching up with your long time best friend. Follow @applesandabcs on Instagram.

Apples and ABCs - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

11. Teach Preschool

I love, love LOVE Deborah Stewart’s Instagram feed over at Teach Preschool. It’s filled with sweet photos of the children at the preschool program she owns and operates. Deborah creates interesting and unique learning opportunities for her children to explore with not-so-typical classroom materials. A quick scroll of Deborah’s recent IG feed shows students carving pumpkins, sticking push pins in pumpkins, and even drilling into pumpkins with small cordless drills. Despite the unorthodox materials, you just know that Deborah’s classroom management is outstanding and that her students clearly understand appropriate behavior for every single item in their learning environment. Follow @teachpreschool on Instagram and prepare to be blown away.

Teach Preschool - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

12. I Heart Crafty Things

I not only (heart) a good kids craft, but I giant puffy pink heart following Rachel from I Heart Crafty Things on Instagram. Her feed is filled with seasonal crafts and kids project ideas that are a refreshing upgrade from old-school macaroni necklaces and popsicle stick houses. There’s just so much cuteness all in one place! Rachel isn’t a teacher, but so many of her ideas are perfect for the early elementary classroom! Follow @iheartcraftythings on Instagram.

I Heart Crafty Things -15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

13. Husky Loving Teacher

It’s easy to figure out Husky Loving Teacher Melissa Dailey’s three great passions with a quick glance at her Instagram account: teaching, photography, and her husky Shilah. Melissa teaches second grade and shares an abundance of fabulous ideas on her Instagram account. She is also an incredibly talented photographer, which means a scroll through her Insta feed is a treat for the eyes! And then of course there’s Shilah – Melissa’s furry sidekick! Follow @huskylovingteacher on Instagram. 

Husky Loving Teacher - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

14. Kinder Craze

If you are on the blog reading this post right now, you definitely want to follow Kinder Craze on Instagram. I showcase exciting moments in the classroom as well as helpful content and seasonal ideas from the blog archives. Plus a little bit of classroom inspiration and teacher style!  The Kinder Craze Instagram feed has a little of everything, with a lot of pops of bright color. Follow @kindercraze on Instagram.

Kinder Craze on Instagram - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

15. Teacher Troubles

Remember Blair Turner from @onelessonatatime? She is also the woman behind Teacher Troubles – a funny, snarky, hysterical Instagram account that simply tells it like it is from a teacher’s perspective. If you enjoy a good teacher meme or find yourself in need of glass of wine at the end of a long day in the classroom, you need to follow @teachertroubles on Instagram.

Teacher Troubles on Instagram - 15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts


Who Is Your Favorite Teacher On Instagram?

And there you have it! Fifteen of my all-time favorite teacher Instagram accounts. Every single person on the list brings a spark of joy or inspiration to my classroom craft. Who is your must-follow source of classroom inspiration on Instagram? Leave a comment because I would love to follow them too!

15 Must Follow Teacher Instagram accounts

The post 15 Must-Follow Teacher Instagram Accounts appeared first on Kinder Craze.

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